Tuesday, March 20, 2007

we drink to die, we drink tonight

currently i find myself rather obsessed with one zach condon, known to the musical world as simply 'beirut'. his music seems almost other worldly to me, like a treasure uncovered years after its creation, yet somehow still managing to posses a breath of freshness, something musically that i crave so desperately. the atypical combination of multiple ukuleles, eloquently played trumpet, organs, and a pronounced drumming manages to sweep over me and put me in a almost dream like state. condon's voice conveys more experience and passion than anyone of his age should be able to muster, yet it hardly feels forced. condon croons in one of the many highlights of his album 'gulag orkestar', "when i feel alive i try to imagine a careless life, a scenic world where the sunsets are all breathtaking." ah-men. listening to beirut puts me in a altered, better frame of mind, it inspires me to experience the world outside of the one that i have accustomed to, and it makes me know that there is still much i have left to learn... "if i was young, i'd flee this town i'd bury my dreams underground"

essential listening: "Postcards from Italy", "Elephant Gun", "Carousels", "Scenic World", "The Bunker", "The Canals of our City"